Dividers are essential for jewellery making and diamond setting and we’ve collected quite a few pairs so far. In fact, over the years we have amassed a vast array of diamond setting and goldsmithing tools – old and new – that are integral to our work. We’re always on the lookout for new tools and our collection continues to grow; it’s safe to say that collecting tools is a life long obsession.
Our work requires such precision that we often customise or adapt our tools for a specific purpose. The five pairs of dividers below are firm favourites and are in constant use in the workshop. You can see how a few have been improved:
From left to right:
The antique Moore & Wright dividers (the smallest pair) on the far left were bought from a flea market in Brick Lane. They were shortened so that they can be used under the microscope easily. Old carbide burrs were soldered on to give really sharp tips. Grey Thermolock was added to the knob at the top to make them more comfortable to use and easier to turn.
The sleek black dividers to the right were designed by Alexander Sidrov of the Alexandre School in Antwerp where David spent some time studying diamond setting.
In the centre are another pair bought from the Brick Lane flea market. As before they were adapted by David – cut down and shortened by 1”, the tips were then reground and hardened and Thermock added to the top. They are excellent quality, once again made by Moore & Wright of Sheffield.
The next dividers were bought in Antwerp years ago by David when he was there studying setting. They are American-made and aside from the odd sharpening they are as they came.
Finally, the largest pair are a beautifully made German set found in a flea market in Stuttgart when David was finishing off his apprenticeship.